Image credit: Pascal van de Vendel
I use MacOS for most of my work and one annoying thing slowly creeping up on me is how slow it is to open a new terminal window. Finally, I reached the breaking point when it seemed like every new terminal login was taking several seconds. Small delays like this can really break you out of your flow. I had to take action.
Credit where credit is due: these were all just solutions I found when searching for a way to speed up my development process. I did make a small change to the script I found and I’ll share that with you.
Xcode Command Line Tools
The first thing I found when I started searching was that the Xcode Command Line Tools could be slowing things down. You might need to run the following from the shell to speed things up:
xcode-select --install
I had already done this, so that wasn’t the problem.
NVM Initialization
I use NVM to manage the different versions of NodeJS on my systems. It turns out that NVM can sometimes take a long time to initialize when you first log in. I found a number of approaches to defer the initialization of NVM when you log in. The best thought-out one I discovered was this one:
If you use Bash, you can use this in your .bashrc
and stop reading:
# Defer initialization of nvm until nvm, node or a node-dependent command is
# run. Ensure this block is only run once if .bashrc gets sourced multiple times
# by checking whether __init_nvm is a function.
if [ -s "$HOME/.nvm/" ] && [ ! "$(type -t __init_nvm)" = function ]; then
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
declare -a __node_commands=('nvm' 'node' 'npm' 'yarn' 'gulp' 'grunt' 'webpack')
function __init_nvm() {
for i in "${__node_commands[@]}"; do unalias $i; done
. "$NVM_DIR"/
unset __node_commands
unset -f __init_nvm
for i in "${__node_commands[@]}"; do alias $i='__init_nvm && '$i; done
(I’m copying the original snippet above for archival purposes.)
zsh Complications
I use zsh
and this doesn’t work for me. The issue is the type -t
command in the first line doesn’t work the same in zsh
. I had to use whence -w
to get this to work.
The working shell script which I added to my .zshrc
file is here in this Gist, or just copy what I have below:
# Add this to your .zshrc file.
# adapted from:
if [ -s "$HOME/.nvm/" ] && [ ! "$(whence -w __init_nvm)" = "__init_nvm: function" ]; then
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
declare -a __node_commands=('nvm' 'node' 'npm' 'yarn' 'gulp' 'grunt' 'webpack')
function __init_nvm() {
for i in "${__node_commands[@]}"; do unalias $i; done
. "$NVM_DIR"/
unset __node_commands
unset -f __init_nvm
for i in "${__node_commands[@]}"; do alias $i='__init_nvm && '$i; done
To use this, you’ll need to add this to your .zshrc
file. Make sure you replace or comment out the original NVM loader. It should look something like this:
# Remove this stuff
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
It still takes a second or two to open a new terminal session. I’d like it to be faster, but I think this about all I can get without upgrading hardware.